Lactation accommodation is good for employers, employees, families, the economy, and society.
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WIC WORKS: Higher Breastfeeding Rates Can Reduce Obesity
Breast milk provides the perfect balance of nutrients tailored to the baby’s needs, promoting healthy growth and development.
WIC WORKS: Policy Changes Raise Breastfeeding Rates
By promoting and supporting exclusive breastfeeding, we can contribute to healthier families and communities, creating a brighter future for the next generation.
Making the Case for Breastfeeding: The Health Argument Isn’t Enough
Breastfeeding rates will never increase unless we ensure that institutions like hospitals and workplaces support breastfeeding.
Increasing Exclusive Breastfeeding in WIC: The Power of Peer Counseling
In this policy brief on preventing obesity in early childhood we present the need for and examples of peer counseling for breastfeeding mothers.
Reducing Obesity from the Start
Childhood obesity is an urgent health crisis in California. Read more in this brief.
Overcoming Barriers to Breastfeeding in Low-Income Women
Obesity risk among WIC participants is one of the most serious public health nutrition challenges facing health care providers.
Breastfeeding: The First Defense Against Obesity
In this policy brief on preventing obesity in early childhood, CWA and the UC Davis Human Lactation Center present the need for breastfeeding exclusively.