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Glenn County WIC Program Celebrates World Breastfeeding Week

Announcements, Breastfeeding Support, Events, News

Featured picture above: Kelly Wilson, Marcy Torres, Caitlyn Parker, Jessica Velasquez, & Beronica Bustos from Glenn County WIC

Glenn County had a fabulous event to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week on Thursday, August 1 in Orland, California. Exclusively breastfeeding participants spoke to several participating agencies on hand, and grabbed lunch and goodies including diapers, bags, backpacks, and books for families and kiddos! It was a great way to kick-off World Breastfeeding Week & National Breastfeeding Month!


Jennifer Clements, IBCLC, with family



Pictured above right (Jessica with Golden & Magnus); center (Naylea & Luke with Naveah & Leia); right (Juanita with 1-month old Mia)